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Introduction to Granular User permissions
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 11 months ago

What are Granular User Permissions?

Granular User Permissions (GUP) give Administrators the ability to customise the availability of elements and features of Signagelive to their users. Administrators can identify and create user roles which define what a user can see and do. Administrators can then create a group of users that have these permissions and add/remove users should their permission requirements change.

Please Note:

Granular user permissions are network independent. Users can have different permissions set from network to network.

What is a user?

A user is an individual who has some form of access to the Signagelive platform. To create a new user, navigate to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Users’ from the Dashboard. Select the blue plus button and click “New User”. New users can be created by adding the user's name, email address and timezone.


You can then choose if you would like this user to be a Local User or a Message manager user (or neither). The final option will be to select a Role. By default, you will see the default roles created within Signagelive. If you have already created your own role, these will be available too.

You can find out more about Local User and Message Manager Users with Granular User Permissions here.


What is a role?

A role is a collection of permissions that have been assigned within Signagelive. A role can later be used against a user or a User Group to determine what that user has access to.

How do I create a role?

To create a new role, you will need to navigate to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Roles’ from the Dashboard, from where you will automatically see the default roles. These cannot be changed or deleted.

The roles you will see by default are the System roles, which are as follows:

  • Administrator

  • Standard User

  • Local User

  • Message Manager User

  • Read Only

System roles cannot be deleted and are the default roles available to you. These system roles are the default across all Signagelive networks (both GUP and Non-GUP alike). If you are moving from a non-GUP network, your previous Signagelive users will have been assigned one of these roles by default.

It is possible to create new roles and configure the permissions, and it is also possible to use existing roles to create new roles.

You can copy an existing role by selecting the ‘3 dots’ to the right of that role and selecting ‘copy’. Permissions on the copied role will be identical to the ones on the original role.

To create a new role, select the blue plus button and create a “New role”. You will then be prompted to create a name for your role and a description of that role. Once completed, select “OK”.

You will then be given a selection of tabs to review, as seen below:

  • Signagelive

    • All Signagelive Network permissions that are used within the Signagelive UI

  • Network App Management

    • Administrative management such as managing API integration, editing network details and adding users to applications

  • Calendar Integration

    • Allows for the connection and management of services and rooms

  • Proof of Play

    • Allows the user to produce and download Proof of Play reports

Please Note:

Proof of Play will only be visible if you have Proof of Play enabled on your network.

The 'Signagelive' tab is split into 5 main dropdowns:

  • Dashboard (access to view dashboard)

  • Content (all content related permissions such as upload content or manage playlists)

  • Players (all player related permissions such as delete players or view players)

  • Report (all report related permissions such as view, export reports)

  • Network (all network related permissions such as licence and user management)

The Full list of permissions and their description can be found here.

You can now highlight and save the permissions you would like to be accessible for this role. Once completed your role will appear with the other roles but will not be set to system default. This allows you to make alterations to the role or remove the role at a later date if required.

What does my User dashboard show me?


What are User Groups and how do they work?

User groups can include a range of users within your network. Users groups can be assigned a role which will apply the role permissions to the users that are within that group (or added to that group at a later date).

If a user is not within a User Group they can have their own set of permissions, however, if a user is added to the group, the groups permissions take precedence. If you try to change Permissions to a User while in a group, you will receive a warning message that the user is currently in a Group.

Permissions for groups and individual users can also be overridden to get slightly different elements and features available. See here for more information.

How to create a User Group

To create a User Group, navigate to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Users’ from the Dashboard. From here you will be able to see all current users and the list of User Groups on the left.

Click the Blue Plus button and select “New User Group”. You will then need to give your User Group a name.

Next, you will be prompted to select a role for this User Group. This will display all of the current roles you have created, as well as the System Default roles. Once you have selected a role you can save the changes.

You can now select a user who is not already in a User Group and drag the user into that User Group. Any user in a User Group will get the permissions defined by the group.

Please Note:

While creating the User Group, you will have the option to override the role permissions if you would like to deviate from the existing role. You will need to save your User group before making any changes. To find out more, See this article.

Once a User group is created, this will appear on the left side of your Users view.

Please Note:

You can always change the role associated with a User group by selecting the three dots to the right of the group and changing the properties.

How to add a user to a User Group

Now that you have created a user, created a role and created a User group, you can add your users to the group required to generate their permissions.

To add a user to a User Group, users can be found under the “All” folder within 'Users'. By clicking and dragging your user into the group of choice, the user will be assigned the permissions defined by the group. The user can now no longer have their individual permissions changed as they belong to the User group, which takes precedence. If you try to change the Users Permissions while they belong to a User Group, you will see a yellow warning to inform you that this is not possible.

Please Note:

Users can only exist in one User Group at a time. If a User already exists in a User Group and you would like to remove them from their existing User Group, you must first select the checkbox next to the User and select “Remove from Group” while in the current User Group.

Please Note:

If a User or User group has no permissions set, they will only be able to view their default Signagelive landing page.

Who is my Network Administrator?

By default, the Network Administrator will be the user that initially set up the network. Administrators can create new Administrators by using the Administrator System Default role.

How do I change the permissions of a single user without using User groups?

If you need to change the permissions of a User that currently exists in a User group, you will need to either remove them from that group or create a new User group for them. To remove a user from a User Group, highlight the User within the group (by using the checkbox beside the User) and select “Remove from Group” above the user.


Multiple permission requirements

There are several instances where a user may require several permissions to be enabled to achieve the desired workflow. For example, if a user requires access to edit a media asset Proof of Play setting, they would need the below permissions enabled.

  • View Media Assets

  • View Media Asset Proof of Play

  • Edit Media Asset Proof of Play

A full list of these Dependencies can be seen here

Useful resources for Granular User permissions

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