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How to set notifications
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

Global Notifications

Your global profile allows you to control your notification preferences for every network that you have access to. To access these preferences, select the “User” element on the top right-hand corner of your Signagelive user interface and select “Profile”. You can then select the Notifications tab and dictate how (and what) you would like to be notified on. These settings are for you as a user and affect every network you have access to.

Please Note:

If you are using Proactive monitoring, you may want to review our Proactive monitoring Notification settings article too.

You can control what kind of notifications you receive from Signagelive depending on your preference. The full list of notification choices are as follows:

Content updates - Updates on new content that is added to the Signagelive Marketplace

Feature updates - New features available within Signagelive. These features would include items such as Approvals, Proof of play and alike. A full list of our features can be found here

New product updates - New product updates will include updates to existing features

Vital updates - Vital updates are infrequently used but these updates will include information that will be vital to the continued, undisrupted usage of the platform.

Network updates - Network updates include changes to the network such as newly published content, updated user settings etc.

Licence updates - Licence updates include information such as expiring licences.

You can select your preferences between:

Do not send - You will not receive notifications of this type.

Every time - You will receive notifications as soon as a new approval is available.

Every X minutes - You can dictate how frequently you receive notifications

Once a day - Set a daily time you want to receive notifications.

You can choose these preferences on:

Connectivity Status - Informs you of players' connectivity stats.

Content Status - Informs you of the status of content being delivered.

Network Approver Management - All notifications for Approver users

Network Approvals Pending - Notification of pending content to approve

Network Approvals Changed - Notification of approvals responded to

Once you have selected your preferences, Click Save to save your changes.

Managing your users' notifications via Granular User Permissions

If you are using Granular User Permissions, you can control what notifications your users receive for that network only.

These include:

If that selected user has been given the permission to “Manage own Network Notifications” the user will also have the ability to control their own Network permissions from the “My Network Notifications” tab (Under the settings tab)

Please Note:

By default, all notifications are enabled for Users when a new user is created or an existing user is added to your network.

Please Note:

There must be at least ONE user on the network that receives Vital update notifications. If there is only one active user that has Vital updates enabled, they will not be able to disable this notification.

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