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Grant Network Access FAQ
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 11 months ago

Who can raise Network Access Requests?

Network Access Requests can be raised by any user on a Signagelive Network or by the Signagelive Team directly; no permission is needed to raise Network Access Requests. These requests can be created in the Grant Network Access menu found under Settings in Signagelive.

Who can grant Network Access to the Signagelive Team?

Any requests will need to be approved by an Administrator or by a user with the relevant permissions (if you have the Granular User Permissions module added to your Network) before the Signagelive Team can access your Network.

Why can’t I enable network access myself?

Network Access can be granted by Administrators or users that have the relevant permissions enabled on their user accounts via our Granular User Permissions module. If your account does not have these permissions enabled for the Network you wish to grant a Signagelive Team access to, then you will only be able to raise a New Access Request. Once raised, the request will be sent to a user with the appropriate permissions who can then approve or reject this request.

No one has approved my new access request, what now?

If for any reason your request has not been responded to (approved or rejected) please get in touch with our Support Team and we will be able to assist you accordingly. If your request has been rejected, a reason for rejection will be shown alongside the current status of the request on the Grant Network Access Requests page.

Why are there different access durations listed under Grant Network Access Requests?

When a New Access Request is created, the requester will choose a duration for our Signagelive Team to have access to your Network. This duration will always be listed alongside the status of the request on the Grant Network Access page and once this time window closes, access to this Network will be revoked.

Can I revoke network access?

Yes, you can. Alongside the status of an already-approved request on the Grant Network Access page, you can select the Access Request and select Revoke to remove this access from your Network. At this stage, we will not be able to access your Network until a new Access Request has been raised and approved by an approver.

Can Signagelive access my network without approved permissions?

Usually, a Signagelive Team will not attempt to access your Network without getting an approved Network Access Request first. If a request has not been raised and we require access, our team does have the ability to raise a request too which will appear as any other new request would under Grant Network Access Requests on the Grant Network Access page. This will then need to be approved by the relevant user before we attempt to access your Network.

Grant Network Access when Hierarchies is enabled

If you have Hierarchies enabled on your Network and want to grant access to a Signagelive Team, they will be given access to all levels within your Network Hierarchies.

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