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Creating Users
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Each user created within Signagelive can be given any one of the following roles. This role is chosen when you create each new user. You can learn more about creating users by reading this article.

What roles are available to my Signagelive Users?

There are 5 different roles available to Users within Signagelive, each offering a different level of functionality and some with a simpler user experience, due to the limited functionality of the roles. The roles available are:

  • Administrator

  • User

  • Read only

  • Message Manager

  • Local User

For more information about each of these roles, please read the below role definitions:


The Administrator role is just as you would think, they have access to everything within a Network. They are the only Users who can manage Licences and Users. So they can add Licenses to a Network, and they can add Users, set their role and set up which Players Local Users have access to.

Administrators can access other advanced features such as: KPIs, Real Time Events, Approvals, Serial Devices and Separation Categories for Autoplaylist Plans.

Administrators have the ability to manage all user accounts, including those with the same privileges. This means they can add and remove other administrators.

Please Note

The number of Administrators on each Signagelive Network is worth consideration, as they have full rights within all areas of Signagelive, we advise you to keep this role to a minimum. The User role often gives enough capabilities for your day to day users.


A User has access to all of the main features within Signagelive, they can upload content, create Playlists and Layouts, create and edit Message Manager Templates and Publish content to Players.

Network Settings is the only section they don’t have access to. This includes Licence management, users management, network details and other advanced features such as KPIs, Real-Time Events, Approvals settings, Serial Devices and Separation Categories for Autoplaylist Plans.

This account type is also unable to access the Network > Edit page relating to the configuring of application access, Network Name and Contact Information and branding.

Read Only

As the name suggests, these Users have access to all of Signagelive, but they only have Read-only access. They can view all sections, even as far as conditional playback settings on an Asset in a Playlist.

It's a great way to give someone reviewer type access, without letting them changing things, they can just ask the User or Administrator who is in control of that section.

Message Manager

Giving a User Message Manager privileges means that they only get access to the Message Manager application, not Signagelive.

But just giving them this role doesn’t actually give them access to any Message Manager Templates to edit, you need to do this on a Template by Template basis.

Therefore you can have many different Templates and many different Users, but each one only has access to edit the text content on the Templates which are relevant to them.

Great for simple scrolling updates. A Message Manager can log in, change some text and save. Their screen will update automatically!

Local User

A Local User is given access to a Localised Playlist, this is a specific section of a master Playlist, which the Local User then has access to add or remove content to.

So you can control the general content on a screen, but give Local Users either a section within a Playlist or a set period of time in a Playlist, in which they can control their relevant content.

Think of a department head in a school or hospital, you might want to show general information generally, but every 3rd or 4th asset, for example, allow the department head to put content relevant to their department.

Once you have created a Local User you then need to link them to either one or set of Players.

Once this is all set up, when the User logs in to Signagelive, they only get access to the Playlist Creator, they are given the Playlist selector when they log in, and this only contains the Playlists which are linked to the Players the User has access to.

You can also limit the amount of content within your Network this Local User has access to by applying User Tags to the user. Any content matching these tags will be shown in the Local User's Asset Library, anything not matching the tags will not be accessible to them.

What functions are available to each user level?

  • Read Only

    • View Media Assets

    • View Playlists

    • View Layouts

    • View Player settings and content published

    • Run Reports and Export Report data

  • User

    • All Read Only functionality

    • Upload media files

    • Create and amend playlists

    • Create and amend layouts

    • Publish new content to media players

    • Remove content from media players

    • Edit media player settings

  • Administrator

    • All User functionality

    • Create/Edit/Delete network users

    • Add/Renew/Deallocate licences

    • Edit Network details

    • Assign users to Message Manager feeds and images

    • Administrators have full control over other Administrator accounts, including the ability to add and remove them

The Local User and Custom RSS Editor roles have limited capabilities within Signagelive so they have a much simpler user experience, read more about these roles below:

  • Message Manager

    • Ability to edit text on images templates they have been given access to by the Administrator

    • No general Signagelive access, they use a dedicated application within the Signagelive system

  • Local User

    • Edit Playlists they have been given access to by an administrator

    • Optionally - can upload media assets dependant on privileges granted by the Administrator

    • Delete their media assets

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