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Screen Takeovers - Limitations

This article details the current-known limitations surrounding Screen Takeovers.

Joe Turone avatar
Written by Joe Turone
Updated over 8 months ago

General Limitations + Bugs


  • Players can only be in takeover groups or standard sync groups at the same time, not both.

  • For Nested Playlists - randomise is not a supported Play Order option.

  • For Nested Playlists - currently the option to “Play the Next Asset ...” is not supported fully, unless all assets in the playlist have the same asset duration.

  • Only one Player Type is allowed per takeover group configuration - e.g. you cannot mix LG and Tizen players in the same group.

  • "Play Every X Weeks" option is not supported when publishing takeovers.

  • Takeover groups are not supported on networks with Hierarchies levels enabled.

  • Players can't be moved across takeover groups. The current workaround is to remove the player from the group and then add it to the new one.

  • Takeover schedules based on frequency are calculated from the end of the takeover playlist, not from the start.

Clients (General)

  • Screen Takeover playlists with more than one asset may not demonstrate smooth transitions.

    • Predominantly in regards to mixed video & Widget containing a video content or widget to widget based transitions.

  • If a takeover has been scheduled to a player and there are no valid assets to play, then the player may show a black screen for the duration of the takeover.

  • If the master player disconnects from the network takeovers will not play on any players in the group

  • Proof of Play logging reasons need to be changed. Start reason for Screen Takeover content is “Interrupt”

Player-Specific Limitations

Samsung Tizen

  • Screen Takeovers is not supported on Samsung Tizen 2.4 panels.

  • If there is a conflict with video > video takeovers then the panel may temporarily display a black screen. This is resolved via rebooting the Signagelive client.

  • Otherwise, please ensure videos are encoded as per our encoding guide and our gapless playback guide

Transition Matrix

The table below provides guideline expectations for transitions to and from Takeovers on Samsung Tizen devices for different media types:

From Scheduled Content

To Takeover










Video freezes at the last frame when entering takeover




Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)


Video freezes at the last frame

Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)


Video freezes at the last frame


Static Widget

Video freezes at the last frame


Widget containing a video

Video freezes at the last frame

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Static Widget

Video freezes at the last frame

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Widget containing a video

Video freezes at the last frame

Static Widget

Static Widget


Static Widget

Widget containing a video


Widget containing a video

Static Widget

Video freezes at the last frame

Widget containing a video

Widget containing a video

Video freezes at the last frame

Static Widget



Widget containing a video


Video freezes at the last frame

LG webOS

  • Screen Takeovers is not a supported feature for LG webOS 1.0 and 2.0 panels.

  • Video content with a screen takeover configuration on the player will not use gapless video transitions for scheduled content or takeover content.

  • Widget transitions are not gapless.

  • webOS 6.0 panels require firmware 03.26.60 and above to ensure that transitions are smooth

Transition Matrix

The table below provides guideline expectations for transitions to and from Takeovers on LG webOS Players for different media types.

From Scheduled Content

To Takeover














Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)


Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)


Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.


Static Widget



Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Static WIdget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget



Widget containing a video




  • No specific limitations. Please ensure video content is encoded as per our guide.

Transition Matrix

The table below provides guideline expectations for transitions to and from Takeovers on ChromeOS Players for different media types.

From Scheduled Content

To Takeover














Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)



Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)




Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.


Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Static WIdget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget


Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video


Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.


  • Widget transitions are not gapless.

  • Transitions, where the scheduled content is a layout, will show a black background canvas when coming out of a takeover

  • Currently there are issues in regards to using layouts where the schedulable content within the layout is not fullscreen: there are gaps and overlays on screen which show the layout background before and after loading the takeover).

Transition Matrix

The table below provides guideline expectations for transitions to and from Takeovers on BrightSign Players for different media types.

From Scheduled Content

To Takeover














Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)


Multizone Video/images (tested up to 2 videos)




Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.


Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Static WIdget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Multizone Video/Images (tested up to 2 videos)

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Static Widget

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Widget containing a video

Widget containing a video

Very Good.

Can be seamless but not guaranteed as this depends on the widget.

May see a short black flicker going in or out but this should be within what we consider acceptable.

Static Widget



Widget containing a video



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