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Signagelive Cloud and application release notes
Signagelive Cloud and application release notes

This article is a directory for Signagelive cloud and Application releases.

Joe Turone avatar
Written by Joe Turone
Updated over a week ago

This directory is for Signagelive cloud and application release notes documented from 2024 onwards.

Table of Contents

Bug fixes

8th May 2024

  • When logging in as a Local User, playlists which are configured for the players you have access to, won't show if they have been deleted

  • When validity set to every day, when publishing to SMIL (IAdea, Planar, Viewsonic Players) potential for validity to cause nothing to play

  • Search lost after removing a layout from a folder

  • Layout search previous pagination remembered after new search

  • Federated users are challenged for 2FA when switching applications

  • Forgotten password improvement for Pen Test

  • User Profile saving notification settings shows success alert

  • Client Side Libraries update (JS, Bootstrap - for Pen Test)

  • Improved the speed when selecting a network and switching applications when in a network

25th April 2024

  • Fixed a bug in which some users were being logged out of the Signagelive platform during active sessions

24th February 2024

  • Changed the way that Sync Group IDs are set in Player Config Files

  • SMIL Improvements to handling recurrence

  • Limit Player Bandwidth if unable to download files

  • Pen Test Fix - User Password Reset Tokens don’t change

  • Remove requirement for Client Secret to be sent by internal applications

  • SL-7962 - Asset names are changed on upload if they contain characters which would be encoded

  • SL-6403 - Layout Thumbnails don’t include multi-line text

  • SL-7711 - Password Length limited to 20 characters and no validation

  • SL-7781 - Creating networks using 1 or more already used licences along with unused licences stops the network being created

  • SL-7429 Player and Playlist Export URLs not encoded

  • SL-7584 - Remove blank spaces after username as that now prevents logins since mySQL8 update

  • SL-5619 Notification Emails don’t include Player Name (Publish Refinements)

  • SL-7795 UTC Time used when calculating Licence Expiry Schedule Start

  • Remove captcha on New Network Page

  • SL-7973 - "Uploaded by" field shows Unknown as the value on Playlist Media Asset Properties modal on some scenarios

  • SL-8098 - Unsorted folder on network manager shows unexpected players

  • SL-7886 - Player dashboard won't load on child levels which parent level has the "Can Access" setting disabled

  • SL-5697 - Network Manager duplicated "Expires before" tablet when searching by Expires before

CMS / User Interface

1st July 2024

  • Deploy G2 based TLS Cert to primary end points (LG webOS 2.0 + Tizen 2.4)

  • Client support for NENA endpoint (LG webOS 2.0 + Tizen 2.4)

24th June 2024

  • Proxy Servers (fix for OCSP Stapling issue / BrightSign - Unknown IP Address)

17th June 2024

  • Prevent FireOS devices from being activated

  • Marketplace update to utilise new Media Asset Upload API

  • Marketplace UI - Client Side Libraries security updates

  • Maintenance of core databases

29th April 2024

  • Messaging API (used by Proactive Monitoring) and Video Thumbnail transcoding Database updates

29th April 2024

  • Media Asset upload and Log file upload - Infrastructure update

26th February 2024

  • Enable Intercom Messenger (Live Chat)

  • Enable Intercom Help Centre

Data Integrations

W/C July 1st

1st July: Gateway (UI, SL Interface, Data API)

  • Disable Sync Jobs in all enabled Data Services when DSS is disabled via Support Tools

  • Disable Sync Jobs when a Data Service is disabled

2nd July: PowerBI

  • Bug Fix: Save the active page on reports

  • Bug Fix: Improve exception handling when applying filters

  • Bug Fix: Filtering consistency between UI and Sync Service

  • Improvement: Ability to reauthenticate an PowerBI Account that has been disconnected by the user

4th July: SharePoint

  • New Feature: Minutely Sync

  • Improvement: Ability to display the full News article body

5th July: Infrastructure Update

13th May 2024

  • Infrastructure update

18th March 2024

  • Internal infrastructure upgrade

13th February 2024

  • Internal infrastructure upgrade


28th February 2024

  • SharePoint News Widget added to Marketplace

Proof of Play

1st May 2024

  • Database updates

Signagelive Cloud

8th May 2024

Layout Save Improvements:

  • Improvements to Layout Saving and Refinements

    • When saving a layout, we will only save and trigger a layout refinement if anything on the layout has changed.

      • Zone Properties Updated

      • Width, Height, X Position, Y Position

      • Default Asset

      • Text

      • Z-Index

      • Layout Background Changed - Layout backgrounds will not be re-created on each save when the background has not changed

    • New Zones will still require the Layout to be re-published

  • Store Refinements will only be created if a player specific widget is set as the default asset on a zone and the properties of the widget or the players that the layout is published to have updated properties which are used in the widget, and these will only be created for the players which have changed

  • This will mean less Player Configuration updates, faster processing and less media assets for players to download, when there isn't a change

Beamer Removal:

  • Removal of the notification bell

  • Removal of Beamer on the Signagelive Application Home Page

Network API Updates:

  • When adding a new asset to your network, using the remote asset sync method, it is now possible to override the name which is used for the asset in Signagelive, this does not affect the file name

  • It is now possible to search for players on a network by activation code, this will only search an individual network, and is only available when using the Network API directly and not via the UI

  • If activating a licence and that licence is expired, the activation will fail with a friendly message (the licence will need to be converted, if a trial or extended if a full licence)

  • If activating a licence which is trashed (the player has been trashed), the activation will fail with a friendly message (the player must be restored before it can be activated)

  • When creating a new network, all required fields will be validated and will fail if these are not provided or not the correct format

  • Players which do not support synchronisation can no longer be added to a sync group when doing this directly via the API (this has never been possible via the UI)

  • When deactivating a player, if it has any Data Sync Services content published to it, then the player will have all of its permissions revoked to display any synchronised data.

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