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Using Signagelive News Apps

This article details how you can begin using any of the approved News apps that we have available from the Signagelive Marketplace

Joe Turone avatar
Written by Joe Turone
Updated over a week ago

There is a growing collection of News apps available for immediate download directly from the Signagelive Marketplace, allowing you to display news feeds from all of your favourite news outlets on your digital signage displays.

Click the expandable list below to see all of the News apps we currently have available (as of 09/05/2024)

News apps currently available from the Signagelive Marketplace

  • Al Jazeera News

  • BBC News

  • CNN News

  • La Croix

  • France 24

  • Libération

  • La Vanguardia

  • Antena 3 Noticias

  • La Sexta

  • Marca

  • Rai News

  • Media RSS

  • Reuters Business News

  • Reuters Business News

  • Reuters Global News

  • Reuters Global News

  • Reuters News Videos

  • Reuters News Videos

  • US News - News in Pictures

  • US News - News in Pictures

  • US News - Video News Bites

  • US News - Video News Bites

  • Infotainment App by Seenspire

  • South China Morning Post News

  • News

  • CBC Canada News

  • China Daily News


  • New York Times News

  • Sydney Morning Herald News

  • The Guardian News

  • The Straits Times News

  • Yahoo News

  • La Gazzetta dello Sport

  • Repubblica

  • TGCom24

  • RTBF (French language)

  • VRT (Dutch language)

  • NTV

  • Bild

How to download Signagelive News apps

All Signagelive News apps are available for download from the Signagelive Marketplace, here's a step by step of how to add one of these apps to your Asset Library:

  1. Once logged into Signagelive, navigate to Content > Playlists > Create/Edit to access the Asset Library

  2. Click on Marketplace, located to the left of the Asset Library

  3. Locate the News app you wish to use and click on it (note: you can use the search bar or Category drop-down to quickly filter down your selection)

  4. Click Add to Signagelive

And that's it! Now, when you exit the Signagelive Marketplace (which you can do by clicking the X button in the top right of the Marketplace) and filter your Asset Library by Recently Added, you'll see your News app.

Please Note

If you are making use of any of the Signagelive News Apps on a Player connected to a secure network, please ensure that no firewalls are blocking Signagelive's Proxy IPs and endpoints to ensure optimum playback. For more information on this, please see this article.

How to use the Signagelive News apps

Once you have added your chosen News app from the Signagelive Marketplace to your Asset Library, you can add these to your Playlists and Layouts as you would any other content. These apps offer a number of editable properties, such as:

  • Feed - here is where you will choose which feed from the chosen News provider you will be displaying in your app (note you can only display one feed per News app)

  • Article Display Time (seconds) - this is how frequently an article will remain on-screen before proceeding to the next available article

  • Background Primary Colour - here is where you can select a HEX colour for the background in which the text pulled from your chosen feed will display

  • Background Secondary Colour (text-only feeds) - similar to the above, this offers a secondary colour for the background of your feeds. This only applies to text-only feeds

  • Title Colour - the colour for the title of each displayed article

  • Content Colour - the colour for the main body text from each displayed article

  • Date Colour - the colour for the corresponding date from each displayed article

  • Publication Date Format - this drop-down allows you to display information on how long ago each displayed article was published

Please Note

The feed selections may differ from News app to News app depending on the feeds available, for instance, some News apps will only offer a single feed to select from.

Once you have set the Properties for your chosen News app, hit the Refresh button to see a preview of how your News app will appear once published to your Players based on the set Properties.

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