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Using the MRSS App
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 12 months ago

Where can I find the MRSS App?

You can find the MRSS App within the Signagelive Marketplace. Once located, you can add it to your network by clicking on the blue + button.

If you aren’t sure how to use, or where to find the Marketplace, please see this article.

How does it work?

Your MRSS App will work like any other Media Asset. Add one (or more) to a playlist and enter the Asset Properties to adjust the settings. Here you can:

  • Feed - Add the feed URL you wish to play here (Atom feeds are not supported)

  • Article Display Time - Adjust how many posts you would like to display

  • Set the display preferences - Choose colours for each section of the RSS items in your feed

Once your App is configured, simply save your playlist to automatically update your screen(s), or move on to the Publish area to update your players with this widget for the first time.

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