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Power BI tips and tricks
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

How to filter your Power BI Reports

Similarly to using the Power BI application outside of Signagelive, you can now filter your reports and dashboards at report level, page level and visual level within the Data Integrations application itself in Signagelive. You can do this by following the steps below:

  • Open the Data Integrations application

  • Select Power BI under "My Integrations" and then click on the name of the Sync Job you wish to filter (or click the 3 dots > Edit)

  • At the bottom of the Overview tab, you will see a preview of your dashboard/report

  • To the far right of this preview, you will find a Filters pane which you can expand/hide by clicking on it

  • With the Filters pane expanded, click the data sets you wish to filter and you will notice the data in the Preview changes accordingly

    • By clicking on any visual displayed on your report/dashboard you will also be able to edit this at visual-level too by clicking on the visual and then opening the Filters pane

  • Press the Save button at the top of the screen, and when your report next syncs your filtered data will be displayed

  • At any time you can hit the Reset Report button and this will revert all applied filters to their default states

Copying Sync Jobs

You can now create copies of existing Sync Jobs which will retain all information such as the previous data and login credentials. To do so, please follow the steps below:

  • Open the Data Integrations application

  • Select Power BI under My Integrations

  • Click on the 3 dots located in the top right of the Sync Job you wish to copy

  • Select Make a Copy

  • Give your Sync Job copy a name then click Make a Copy

Set the Capture size of a Sync Job

  • Open the Data Integrations application

  • Select Power BI under "My Integrations" and then click on the name of the Sync Job you wish to filter (or click the 3 dots > Edit)

  • Locate the Capture section of the Overview tab

  • Under Capture Size you'll get two options, whichever one you pick will influence what data can be changed under the Size field below:

    • Preset: this will provide you with a drop-down menu with preset dimensions for the Capture (landscape or portrait)

    • Custom: allows you to enter your own dimensions (in pixels) in the Size field

  • Once you have set your desired Capture Size, select Save at the top of this page and your Capture will update upon carrying out its next sync

Please Note

Please ensure that your reports and dashboards have been pre-configured to scale or are set to the correct size that you wish to capture, as making your capture smaller than the set output settings of the report/dashboard itself will result in cropping when Captures are obtained.

How to view and manage Connected Accounts

  • Open the Data Integrations application

  • Select Power BI under My Integrations

  • Expand the Data Integrations sidebar then click the Power BI drop-down menu

  • Click on Accounts

You'll now be presented with a list of previously connected accounts along with four columns:

  • NAME: shows the name and email address of the connected account

  • STATUS: shows the connectivity status of the sync jobs associated with this account

  • LAST USED: shows the last time the account successfully connected to the Power BI API and obtain a capture

  • ACTION: gives you the ability to delete or reconnect the chosen account (reconnect will only be an option if the connection is failing)

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