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All CollectionsMedia PlayersBrightSignSignagelive for BrightSign: Installation Guides
Installing Signagelive on a BrightSign device configured within
Installing Signagelive on a BrightSign device configured within
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 8 months ago

If you have a BrightSign device already connected to BrightSign’s, you can deploy the Signagelive application from here directly to your Player. This article will detail the steps to do so.

Please Note

the steps in this article are based on any existing CMS solution having already been removed from your device. If you still have an existing CMS in place on your device, please factory reset your device/format your SD card to remove your old CMS, then re-add your device to before following the steps below.

Provisioning Signagelive directly to your device

Assuming you have your BrightSign device connected to and no other CMS application is installed, please follow the steps outlined below to provision Signagelive directly to your device:

  1. Head to Admin > Provision

  2. Select your device from the listed devices

  3. Select the drop-down menu next to the Apply Setup button and select Apply Application

  4. Select Apply Application and a new dialog box will appear

  5. Select Partner Applications

  6. Select Signagelive from the Partner Applications drop-down menu

  7. Click Apply

Once you have completed the above, please reboot your Player and it will begin downloading Signagelive. You’ll know if this is complete when you see an activation code displayed.

Provisioning Signagelive via a setup file

  1. Head to Admin > Setup

  2. In the Device Settings area, complete the following fields:

    1. Setup Name (name of the setup file - “Signagelive” can be entered here if you wish)

    2. Player Name (the model of the Player/device you are using)

    3. Player Description (description for the setup file, again, “Signagelive” can be entered here if you wish)

  3. Under Publishing Mode, select Partner App then choose Select Partner App

  4. Choose Signagelive

  5. In the BrightSign OS Update area, select the relevant Player family for your device, then select Do Not Update from the options available

  6. From the Advanced area, ensure Enable is enabled

  7. Select Add Setup to Library

You now have a Setup created that has the Signagelive application applied to it, we now need to provision this Setup File to your Player.

  1. Head to Admin > Provision

  2. Select your device then select Apply Setup

  3. Select your Setup File from the drop-down menu then hit Apply Setup

Once you have completed the above, please reboot your Player and it will begin downloading Signagelive. You’ll know if this is complete when you see an activation code displayed.

Please Note

If you wish to configure your device via B-Deploy (Auto-install), you will need to remove your Player from prior to following the steps in this article.

Once you see a Signagelive activation code displayed on-screen, you can then proceed with activating your Player within Signagelive. For more information on this process, please see this article.

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