How do I Publish a Playlist to show as the result of a trigger?
When publishing content, you're given the choice of setting content to display 'As the result of a trigger'. Whether you want to display KPIs, Emergency Messaging or a Welcome Messages, there are variety of triggers you can use to interrupt the content on your screen:
GPIO (Possible with IAdea and BrightSign (HD and above))
Keyboard (Possible with BrightSign and Electron)
Although these triggers may be configured, and even execute, in different ways, the content will be published in the same way. It will also be stored locally on the device until receiving the trigger telling it to play. Watch this short video to learn more about how you can publish a Playlist that will only show as the result of a trigger:
Follow these steps to publish your Playlist to show as the result of a trigger:
Login to your Signagelive Network as a User or Administrator
Select Content
Select Publish
Select ‘As the result of a trigger’
Select the ‘ Key Press’ Start trigger method
Select one of the key press commands from the ‘Select Key Press’ menu
You can choose any alphanumeric key press (A-Z or 1-0) as well as any Num Pad key press (Num Pad 0-9) or a GPIO (number Up or Down) command. These should reference the same key presses used by your method of trigger.
Select ‘Stop Trigger’
Leaving this set to ‘None’ will play the triggered content (using duration settings below) before returning to the holding content
Using the ‘Key Press’ method will continue to show the activated Web Trigger until the associated Stop Key Press is used to return to the holding content
If using ‘Key Press’ as the stop method, continue to choose the required Key Press
Select Duration
‘Play to the duration of the chosen content’ will play the content in its entirety before returning to the holding content. Supported on Brightsign and Legacy PC clients only.
‘Play for a configured duration’ allows you to set a duration that the triggered content will be displayed for before returning to the holding content
If using a SMIL Player, you can tick the ‘On Interrupt, resume previous position [SMIL only]’ option which will return to the same point of content as when the trigger began, once triggered content ends
Select ‘What do you want to publish?’
Select ‘Playlist’
Choose which Playlist you would like to show once triggered
You can use the search bar and folders and Smart folders here to easily access your Playlists
Select ‘Which Players do you wish to publish to’
Press ‘Select Players’
Select one or more Players to publish this Playlist to
You can use the search bar and folders and Smart folders here to easily access your Players
Select OK
You will see the Players being checked for compatibility before being shown with any notifications (if any)
When you are happy that your content can be published to the selected Players, press ‘Review & Publish’
You will be shown a summary of your publication, again, press ‘Publish to Players’ when you are happy to proceed
Please Note
You can edit or change the current Playlist you have just published whilst still within the Publisher, however, once you move to a different area of Signagelive, you will need to restart the process