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Managing your Playlists
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

To sort, manage or delete any of your previously created Playlists, you should follow these instructions:

  1. Login to your Signagelive Network as an Administrator, User or Read-Only User

  2. Navigate to Content

  3. Select Playlists

  4. Select Manage

You will be taken to the Playlist Manager, where you will see all the Playlists you or any of your fellow Signagelive Users (with access to your Signagelive Network) Playlists.

You can open any of the Playlists listed simply by double-clicking their thumbnail which will take you back to that Playlist within the Playlist Creator.

How can I navigate my Playlists?

You can use the Smart Folders available within the Playlist Manager to easily navigate through your saved Playlists.

The Smart Folders available to you are:

  • All - shows all saved Playlists

  • Recently Added - shows all Playlists in order of most recently added first

  • Recently Updated - shows all Playlists in order of most recently updated first

  • Trash - shows all Playlists sent to Trash but not permanently deleted

Sorting Playlists (Coming soon)

Upon clicking any of the headers on this page (Name, Date Added, Last Modified), you are able to sort the list of Playlists in ascending of descending order:

  • Click on a header once to sort in Descending order

  • Click that same header once again to sort in Ascending order

  • To reset any sorted lists, click on the X next to the sort tag located below the search bar - this will return lists to their default sorting

Note: you can only sort lists by one column at a time

Can I search for a specific Playlist?

Yes, you can use the Playlist Manager’s Search function to search through your Playlists by name. You can also search within specific Smart or Custom folders by accessing these folders and searching.

Your search will also be carried from folder to folder until you clear the search terms.

How can I organize my playlists?

Within the Playlist Manage screen, you can create ‘Custom Folders’ which will help you to maintain a tidy Playlist library.

To create a new Custom Folder, you should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Signagelive Network

  2. Navigate to Content

  3. Select Playlist

  4. Select Manage

  5. Press the blue + button

  6. Select Folder

  7. Name your folder and select Save

You will see each Custom Folder listed within the folders bar on the left of your Playlist Creator and Playlist Manager screens.

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