The Google Sheets app allows you to publish content from your Google Sheets documents directly onto your Signagelive Players. See the video below for an overview:
To add the Google Sheets app to your Signagelive Network and begin using it in your Playlists and Layouts, you'll need to add this from the Signagelive Marketplace. See this article for a walkthrough.
Preparing your Google Sheet for publication
Firstly, you'll need to ensure your Google Sheets document is correctly formatted. Hold your horses before you go copying and pasting that URL!
With your desired Google Sheets document open, please follow these steps:
Head to File > Share
Select Publish to Web
Select the Link tab
Select Entire Document or your specified sheet
Under the Published content and settings drop-down, ensure that access is not restricted
(Optional): Select Automatically republish when changes are made, this will ensure that your Google Sheet is always up to date
Finally, press the Publish button when ready
Congrats! Your Google Sheets URL is ready to be added to the Google Sheets app in Signagelive. See the next section to find out how to do this.
Adding your document to the Google Sheets app
With the Google Sheets app added to your Asset Library (if you've not done this yet, see here) you can now begin adding your Google Sheets' Publish URL into the app.
To start, double-click on the asset within your Asset Library (or drag and drop it into a Playlist and then double-click) and then:
In the Preview tab of the Google Sheets app, enter your Publish to Web URL in the URL field
(Optional): Toggle the Hide Header and/or Hide Sheets Tab check boxes
Hit the Refresh button
You should now begin to see the data from your Google Sheets document populate in the preview on the left. Congrats--you're now ready to publish this app to your Players!
AND because you've published your document to the web, any changes made in Google Sheets will automatically be reflected on your Players without the need to republish! ExCELLent! π
Known Limitations with the Google Sheets app
If there are Charts present in your Google Sheets document, please ensure that when publishing your document (via File > Share > Publish to Web) that you are publishing either the entire document or a single sheet. Attempting to publish as Chart Only is not supported in the Google Sheets app.
When rendering the app on a Tizen 2.4 (PHF/PMF Series) Player, the spreadsheet may not load and instead show a blank sheet with just the header/footer showing.