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How to reset Signagelive on Windows PC/Electron player
Pedro Diaz avatar
Written by Pedro Diaz
Updated over 2 months ago

If you update Signagelive to a newer version but are running it on an older player, this may result in Signagelive not running as expected. In such cases, you should uninstall Signagelive and install a version supported by the player you are running.

To uninstall SL on your Windows player you need to follow the next steps:

1. In the Start menu search field, type %appdata%. In the window that opens, there will be a Signagelive folder; delete this.

2. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86) and delete the Signagelive folder.

3. In the Start menu search field, type: regedit, this will open a Regedit session. Delete the Remote Media folder found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software.

At this point, your Windows player should be ready to install the latest version of Signagelive.

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