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LG Power Management Modes - Explained

This article provides some information into the PM Modes on LG webOS Players and how these can be used in conjunction with Signagelive.

Joe Turone avatar
Written by Joe Turone
Updated over 7 months ago

In version 1.995 of the Signagelive for LG webOS client, we introduced the ability to control the LG webOS' Power Management Mode (commonly known as the PM Mode) functionality directly from within the Signagelive application (via the Signagelive Settings Menu, which can be accessed when pressing the blue button on your LG remote control whilst Signagelive is running or during the initial installation of Signagelive on your LG Player).

Please Note

We recommend enabling Use PM Mode from the Signagelive Settings Menu (accessed by pressing the blue button while Signagelive is running on your LG webOS Player).

What is the "PM Mode"?

On an LG webOS Player, the PM Mode controls the behaviour of the remote control's power button (typically located at the top left-hand side of the remote control). By default, the PM Mode is set to Power Off, which means that when you press the red power button on your LG remote control (top left of the controller), the entire panel and media player power off.

Changing the PM Mode allows you to change what happens when you press the power button on your LG remote control (such as turning the screen off only and leaving the media player running).

How do I change the PM Mode of my LG webOS Player?

Via the Signagelive Settings Menu

As of Signagelive client 1.995, the Signagelive Settings Menu (accessed by pressing the blue button on your LG remote control while Signagelive is running on your device) has a Use PM Mode checkbox. By default, this checkbox is unticked.

See the table below for a clearer picture of what happens when you tick and untick this box in the Signagelive Settings Menu:

Signagelive Settings Menu

LG PM Mode Setting

Expected Behaviour

Use PM Mode - Unchecked

Changes LG PM Mode to Power Off (Default)

Pressing the Red power button will turn off the media player. Your player will stop logging Content Checks in the Signagelive user interface and report as offline.

Use PM Mode - Checked

Changes LG PM Mode to Screen Off Always

Pressing the Red power button will turn off the screen, but the media player will remain on. Your player will continue logging Content Checks in the Signagelive user interface.

Via the LG Power Settings menu

You can also control the PM Mode outside of the Signagelive application (natively in the LG Power Settings menu). Note that making changes only here will result in the Signagelive Settings Menu not matching whatever PM Mode functionality you have manually set. This is not an issue, but the functionality set in the native LG Power Settings menu will always take priority.

A scenario to make this clearer:

  • you have Use PM Mode unticked in the Signagelive Settings Menu (therefore, the PM Mode in the LG Power Settings menu will be set as Power Off (Default)

  • You then go straight into the LG Power Settings and change the PM Mode to Screen Off Always

  • The red power button will function in accordance with the Screen Off Always PM Mode that you set, but in the Signagelive Settings Menu, Use PM Mode will remain unticked because you made this change outside of the Signagelive application

To change the PM Mode outside of the Signagelive application:

  1. Press Settings on your LG remote control

  2. Head to General > Power

  3. In the General / Power menu, select the PM Mode drop-down menu

  4. Select your desired PM Mode

To physically alter the screen on/off status via the Signagelive user interface, you can use Screen Control schedules - however, please note that when doing so, the System tab of your Player will not report that the Screen Status is OFF whilst a Screen Control is active. So the screen could be off (and therefore actively performing Content Checks within Signagelive), but in the Signagelive User Interface, your Player will still report as having the Screen Status as ON.

What do each of the PM Modes mean?

When using PM Modes in conjunction with Signagelive, you'll only ever be coming into contact with two of the listed LG PM Modes, which are:

  • Power Off (default)—If your PM Mode is set to Power Off (default), the media player and screen will switch off when you press the red power button on your LG remote control.

  • Screen Off Always—If your PM Mode is set to Screen Off Always, only the screen will switch off when you press the red power button on your LG remote control (meaning the media player is still active).

Please Note

There is a known issue impacting LG webOS 4.1 and 6.0 Players. When pressing the red power button, the LG Player will perform as if the PM Mode is set to Screen Off Always, irrespective of which PM Mode you have selected.

How can I identify what PM Mode my device is using?

You can see what PM Mode your LG webOS device is using directly from the Signagelive user interface. To do so:

  1. Sign in to your Signagelive account

  2. Head to Network > Manage and click on the LG webOS Player you wish to view the PM Mode for

  3. Click on the System tab of your Player

  4. You should see the PM Mode and Screen Status both listed under Application Settings

It's worth noting that the screenshot above could display inaccurate information if you are running an LG webOS 4.1 or 6.0 model or if you have made manual changes to the PM Mode via the LG Settings Menu (see this section)

Please Note

Screen Control schedules will always take priority over the PM Mode set on your LG webOS Player. For example, if your screen is in the ON state and then a Screen Control schedule kicks in to turn it OFF, your panel will display black until the Screen Control kicks back in to turn it back on. For more information on priority orders, see this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

What else can I do with the PM Mode functionality in Signagelive?

Introducing the ability to control the PM Mode within Signagelive also enables you to send ScreenOn and ScreenOff commands directly to your LG webOS Players via our Web Triggers API. For more information on how this works, please see this article.

What is the DPM (Standby Mode) in the LG Power Settings menu?

The DPM (Standby Mode) allows your digital signage screen to enter standby mode if no input signal has been detected for a specified time. By default, this is set to 10 minutes. This does not affect your LG webOS Player if you have Signagelive installed and running.

If you do not have Signagelive installed and do not interact with your screen for whatever DPM time has been chosen, your panel will fall into standby mode when this time passes. In most cases, we recommend disabling DPM (Standby Mode) to ensure optimum performance.

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