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Player Type Specific KPI Settings
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

You can also set KPIs to show different levels of Alerts and Warnings for certain types of Players on your Signagelive Network by changing the Player Type Specific KPI Settings.

You can do this by following these instructions:

  • Login to your Signagelive Network as Administrator

  • Select Settings

  • Select KPI

  • Select Player Type Specific KPI Settings

  • Select a Player type - This list will be populated by the different Players activated on your Signagelive Network. If you have not activated any Players at this point, you will need to (see this Help Centre Section for further information) before continuing.

  • Change any value to show either an Alert or Warning when that percentage of activity is reached. (ie. trigger an Alert when 10% of players fail to perform a Content Check - would show a Red Alert on the Player Dashboard when 10% of your Players fail to Download their latest Content).

  • Select Save

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