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How to show Live TV
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a year ago

How can I show Live TV on my display?

There are multiple ways in which this can be achieved, see below for examples of each:

Capture Card

If your player supports ‘HDMI in’ (SKY TV input, via HDMI for example, or another external source input) or Picture in Picture (PiP) as you may also hear it referred to, you will be able to use the Capture Card feature within Signagelive to show any live TV content on your displays.

To achieve this, you should use the Capture Card asset within a playlist. For information on how to do this, please see this article for further details.


You may have or plan to have an IPTV solution working in line with your digital signage. You can then embed the IPTV’s published URL within Signagelive and use this within a playlist of content either full screen or within a layout.

Firstly, you should check your player supports this feature via the Our Media Players sections of the Help Centre. For more information on how to setup IPTV streams in Signagelive please see this article

Streamed Content

There are many sources of streamed content; you may also wish to publish your own online streams. These can also be used within Signagelive by simply using the published stream's URL to add as a web asset within a playlist. See this article for further details.

We also have a YouTube Widget that allows you to show any streamed content from Youtube within your playlist content easily. You can learn more about this here.

Please Note

There are many legalities involved with any external content, so be sure to have looked into the rights required before showing external content on your players through Signagelive.

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