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How to publish content to your player

Want to deploy content? Start Here

Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

The process for publishing content looks like this:

Take a look at this short video to learn more about Publishing Content when nothing else is scheduled:

To begin publishing any form of content, navigate to Content > Publish. Below are the 3 questions you will now be asked to setup a content schedule:

Step 1: When do you want this content to play?

  • In this interface, choose When nothing else is scheduled and you will be asked what content (full-screen playlist) should be shown when no other content is active on the player

Step 2: What do you want to publish?

  • Click on the Step 2 tab to open the options here

  • Choose Playlist - This will be the only option available here based on your choice in Step 1. This feature is limited to full screen content within a playlist. Select this to choose your desired catch-all content.

  • Once selected, you will see a preview of the selected Playlist on the left, if you are happy that this is the content you would like your player to fall back to should all other layouts/playlists stop playing, then click on Step 3

Step 3: Which Players do you want to publish to?

  • Now choose Select Players

  • A window will appear, asking you to select which players you wish to use this content as their catch-all messaging.

  • Press the Review & Publish button to see a summary of the options you have chosen above and your chosen content

  • Click on the green, Publish to Players option in the bottom right of your screen to push the changes out to your chosen players with these settings

Your content is now being processed by our servers queuing system, and should be downloaded to your players local storage shortly. The time this takes will be dependant on the Content Check interval you have applied to your player, along with the processing of the content on our back-end server.

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