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Adding Static Text
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

Static text can be added to your Layout template and used for a range of purposes. As with the Playlists, if your Layout is already published, any changes you make to it will update automatically on your display.

To add and use Static Text:

  1. Within the Layout Section, select the ‘Multi-line Text’ icon from the feature row above your Layout.

  2. The zone will appear on your canvas. Simply click on it, and drag/stretch it into the desired position.

To Add/Edit text, you can now:

  1. Click on your Text zone to highlight it.

  2. Click on the Zone Properties tab in the feature row to open the sidebar

  3. Here you can set the Size & Position, Background, Font and Asset.

  4. Using the different menus in the sidebar you can change the alignment, and create multiple rows of text.

When you are happy with your text, you can complete the rest of your Layout design and hit save. If your Layout has already been published to some of your displays, then you’ll be given the choice of whether you want these to automatically update. .

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