Signagelive is one of the pre-installed content manager software vendors that works with the Amazon Signage Stick out of the box. It offers a simple plug-and-play setup process that can be completed using an Amazon account.
This device has inherited a lot of the key features from the Signagelive for Amazon Fire OS client, which was previously supported by Signagelive. This new Signagelive for Amazon Signage Stick client takes full advantage of the enhanced capabilities that Amazon’s Signage Stick has to offer.
Supported Features
Signagelive Media Player with fullscreen and multi-zone support
Landscape and portrait support
Images, Videos, HTML5 web page support
100% support for advanced scheduling including; recurrence, validity, and tag-based publishing
Remote application updates for inline upgrades to the Signagelive Android client
Widget support – Over 500 Editable Templates, Clocks, Weather and Room Booking Templates
Web Trigger support for event-driven content playback
Offline playback of all media, layouts, widgets, and editable templates
Unsupported Features/Known Limitations
Multi-video not supported
Syncing of multiple Amazon Signage Sticks not supported
Screen Takeovers not supported
Real-Time Events not supported
Local, Soft, Serial, GPIO and Remote Control Trigger types unsupported
Screen Control not supported
Remote Screenshots not supported
IPTV playback not supported