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Configuring your Secure Dashboard
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 8 months ago

Requirements before you begin:

First, you will need to add the Secure Dashboards application. Using the search bar in the middle of your screen, you can search for “Secure Dashboards” and click “Add”.

Please Note

As of September 5th, we have moved our applications tray. Click the icon in the left corner of your dashboard to switch to a different application.

  • You can now select the Secure Dashboard app and select "Manage"

  • Here you will be able to create a new dashboard by selecting the plus (+) box. You will also be able to see any other Dashboards you have created and their status.


Configuring the Secure Dashboards options

When you create a new Dashboard, you will have a few different options to change:

  • Details - This is where you can give your dashboard a name, i.e. “Trello Marketing”. This will not appear in the dashboard image itself.

  • Synchronization Schedule - This is where you choose how often a new screenshot of the dashboard will be taken, if the page you are trying to show updates frequently, you should choose a more frequent synchronization.

Authentication Settings - You will need to select the Login Type you want to use. Google, Microsoft, or Smart. Google and Microsoft will only work if you’re specifically using a Google or Microsoft Service.

Please Note

Smart works by analyzing the login page to determine if there are controls on the page to insert the username and password stored in the credentials and a login button. If there is, the system will automatically log in.

  • Credentials - Here you can set which credentials you want to use when logging into this dashboard. If you have not created your Credentials yet, click "Add New" where you will be able to create these.

  • Login URL - This is the URL that points to the Login page of the platform you want to access. This should not be the URL to the dashboard itself, as this will be provided later.

Adding Pages from your website

Now you need to add individual URLs to the pages you want to capture. Secure Dashboards will access each of these with the Login URL and Credentials you have provided in the previous section.

Click on the plus (+) button to create a new page, then fill in the following information:

  • Details - Here you can give the specific page a name, this will make it easier to identify if you plan on adding many pages.

  • Synchronization Schedule - Here you can configure how often your page updates. You can choose to do this via the parent website time, a specific time of day, or every X minutes.

Navigate - Within Navigate, you’ll need to enter the specific URL that you would like to capture. In most cases, you will need to provide the URL that would appear in the address bar of the browser.

Please Note

If you want to capture a PowerBI screen, the Login URL you entered earlier would be, but the URL to the specific dashboard may be

  • Screenshot - This is where you choose which part of the screen will be captured when the Secure Dashboard automation arrives at the chosen URL.

    • Fullscreen - This will capture the entire window of the URL,

    • Element - This will allow you to select a specific HTML element that you want to capture from the URL, the specific element names will depend on the website you are trying to capture.

    • Region - This will allow you to select a region of the fullscreen capture to keep, this can be useful when the URL you want to capture has some menubars at the top you want to keep. (Note: The fullscreen capture is taken at 1920x1080, so you should ensure your region X, Y, Width, Height values work around this resolution.)

Once the options are all filled in, you can press the blue "Test" button to test the page, which will result in a screenshot, confirming if the correct image was captured, if not, you can change the page settings to obtain the correct capture.

Once this is completed, you can click the green "Save". After doing this, please ensure you enable the "Sync" toggle of this page, as this will start the process of collecting these images immediately. You can then close the individual page and either create new pages within this Dashboard or create an entirely new Dashboard.

Congratulations, you’ve configured everything you need for your Secure Dashboard. You may see
that your dashboard is listed as “image not found” until it does its first sync.

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