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How to create your own text based Custom RSS Feed
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

As well as uploading RSS Feeds, you also have the ability to create your own Custom RSS Feeds on your Signagelive network. The Custom RSS tool allows you to add your own text messages to your screens, plus can be used to create Media RSS Feeds which can also be used with the Message Manager feature. The following guide will take you through how create your own feeds:

Watch how to create a Media RSS Feed:

Locating the Custom RSS Feed feature

If you are ready to create your own Custom RSS Feed then you will need to navigate to the feature with the following steps:

  • When logged in to your network, please hover your mouse over the Content menu.

  • You will now need to move your mouse cursor to the Assets option.

  • From the drop-down menu that will appear, you will now need to click on Message Manager Template Editor.

At this stage and after clicking the Custom RSS Feeds option, you will be taken to an area named the Feed Browser. Within this area you will see any previously saved Custom RSS Feeds on your network, or for new users you will just see the New Feed button.

When ready to begin creating a Custom RSS Feed, within the Feed Browser you will need to click on the New Feed button. When you have clicked this button you will be taken to a new area named Feed Title & Description.

Overview of the Feed Title & Description window

On clicking the New Feed button you will now be within the Feed Title & Description window which will appears shown below:

It is within the Feed Title window that you can give your new Custom Feed a name which it will be referred to on your Signagelive network.

  • To give your Custom RSS Feed a name, please enter your desired name within the blank Title area.

When you have given your future Custom RSS Feed a name, you are now ready to begin adding items into your feed. It is these items that will acts as the text, or images with text, that will eventually appear as the content that plays when the feed has been deployed.

Adding Items in to your Feed

When you have given your Custom RSS Feed a name, you are now ready to begin adding items. You can do this by carrying out the following steps:

  • Within the Create New Feed window, please click on the blue button named Add Item. This will be below the Items section.

  • When you have clicked on the Add Item button you will now be presented with a Create New Item window.

  • Within the Create New Item you will notice the Item Name & Description section.

It is within the Item Name & Description section that you will see both Title and Description areas, and this is where you begin adding your text based news items. Please note that only text that you put into the Title area will be the text you see shown on your screens. No text entered in the Description field will at any stage be shown on your registered player screens. The description text is for your own reference purposes only.

Putting Text in your Item

If you only want to add text and show these text items as a RSS Feed on your layout, then all you will need to do is as follows:

  • Within the Title area on the Item Name & Description window, type in your first line of text.(For example: This will be the text that appears on your screen.)

  • If you would like to now add another line of text to your Custom RSS Feed, please click the Save & Add New button.

  • Your Item & Description window will now refresh and you can enter a new Title for a second line of text. (For example: Welcome to this feature!)

  • If you would like to now add another line of text to your Custom RSS Feed, please click the Save & Add New button.

  • Your Item & Description window will now refresh and you can enter a new Title for a second line of text.(For example: Let us know if you need any assistance.)

At any stage during the steps above you can click on the green Save button and you will be presented with an Item has been successfully saved. Add another item to this feed or return to the feed message.

If you are now happy with your newly created Custom RSS Feed you can click on the green Save button and your work will be saved to your Signagelive network. You will receive the following message on saving your RSS Feed and you will be informed your work has been published.

When you now return to the Custom RSS Feeds area on your Signagelive network via the steps below, you will now see your Custom RSS Feed has been added.

  • To see your added Custom RSS Feed, please hover your mouse over the Content menu.

  • You will now need to move your mouse cursor to the Assets option.

  • From the drop-down menu that will appear, you will now need to click on Message Manager Template Editor.

Locating your Custom RSS Feed on your Network

Now you have created a Custom RSS Feed on your Signagelive network, you will be able to locate this as an asset on your network by carrying you the following steps:

  • Hover your mouse over the Content menu and then, from the appearing drop-down menu, select Playlists and then Create/Edit.

  • You will now be presented with the Playlist Creator on your network and can use the search facility to locate your Custom RSS Feed.

  • You can either type in the name of your feed in the search area โ€œthis will be the name of your RSS Feedโ€ or just search through the Asset Library.

As you will see, your Custom RSS Feed when saved, is added to your Asset Library and can be added to a Playlist as per normal. As this is a standard text based Custom RSS Feed then you will need to save your playlist as a Ticker type when prompted. You can then deploy this playlist or feed to your Signagelive layout when going through the deployment phase and selecting what content goes into which layout window.

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