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How do I change my messages in the Message Manager?
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a year ago

So now that you have been given access to change the messages that are displaying on the screens, you are ready to login to your account and begin updating or editing the text that is being displayed within your tickers, menu boards, meeting room schedules or however your content is being displayed to show information at this point.

Obviously the first step is to login to your Message Manager account, so to begin if you could ensure you have logged in to the feature via the URL and then you can begin learning about how to edit your content.

I'm on the Main Page, what do I do first?

When you are logged in you will be on the main Message Manager page and will be able to see all of the feeds that you have access to. In terms of the the feeds that are shown, there are two types that you will become familiar with editing and these are:

Text Only Feeds

A text only feed is a feed that will be appearing on a scrolling ticker that is placed within an RSS Zone on your scheduled layout. When working with this feed you are just changing the text words that are shown on a single line basis.

Media Feeds

Media Feeds are simply Media RSS feeds, which will display your text over a background image. So this type of feed within the Message Manager allows you to see the graphics that your text will be appearing over. The Administrator of the main network that looks after your Message Manager will have created a custom RSS feed which includes media items and pre-defined areas where the text you can edit will be shown. The Administrator will also have pre-selected the type of font, its size and colour as well and so you cannot change any of this type of element.

So now that you know what the different types of feeds are within your account, it is time that you learnt how you can edit these. Please find the relevant sections below and follow any steps provided to teach you how to use the system.

How do I edit just a text based feed?

To begin editing you will firstly need to click on any part of the row where the the feed is shown, so this can be on the name of the feed or any part shown. When you have done this any message contained within that feed will automatically appear.

To add a new message you will need to:

  1. With the feed opened, you will firstly need to click on the Add New button that is shown.

  2. You can now begin entering text into the row that will appear to you.

  3. When you are happy with your message, you can now click the Save button and a 'The Feed was saved successfully' message will appear.

  4. Alternatively if you enter a message, but are not happy with it then you could have click the Undo button to clear the message you had entered.

You can add as many new messages as you like into the Text feed and so just keep adding whatever you like and then saving your work. These messages will then begin appearing on your players shortly.

To edit a current message you will need to:

  1. With the feed selected and opened, click on the message that you wish to edit.

  2. The message row will now become editable and you will see the current text shown.

  3. To make a change just edit the text as appropriate and then click Save to finalise your changes.

You can edit as many new messages as you like into the Text feed and so you are not required to keep removing rows to then just re-add them with new text. You are able to change text as much as you like and so have full control.

To remove a current message you will need to:

  1. With the feed selected, click on the message that you'd like to remove from being shown.

  2. The message row will now become editable and you will see the current text shown.

  3. To remove all you now need to do is click the Remove button.

  4. On clicking the button, the message row will now be removed and will disappear from view.

You are able to remove as many message rows as you require, however please be aware that when you have deleted a row then it cannot be recovered. If you need to recover the message then you will need to re-add this as per the instructions above.

How do I edit a media based feed?

To begin editing you will firstly need to click on any part of the row where the the feed is shown, so this can be on the name of the feed or any part shown. When you have done this any graphics contained within that feed will automatically appear.

To edit a message you will need to:

  1. With the feed opened, click on the graphic that you wish to changes the messages for.

  2. A larger preview of the graphic will now appear with all message shown to you.

  3. Click on the message within the graphic that you would like to change.

  4. You will now notice that the message you have clicked will appear on the right hand side.

  5. With the message now showing, you can edit the text as appropriate.

  6. To now finalise your change, click on the green Update Text button.

  7. This change so far has only changed the message, so to the save the entire feed now click the Save button

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