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Using the Calendar Integration Widgets with Google
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over a week ago

Configuring Signagelive and Google for use with Calendar Widgets

Signagelive and Calendar Widgets require some configurations to enable them to be used with your Google account and the associated calendars. To see how to do this, watch the video and read the written instructions below.

Setting up the Calendar Integration Application

To begin configuration, you need to go to the Calendar Integration application, which is available from the application drop down within your Signagelive Network. Please see the video above and instructions below.

Please Note

Users are not given access to the Signagelive Calendar integration application by default, and so an administrator will need to grant access to each User that requires it.

  1. Click on your network name at the top of the page and select ‘edit’.

  2. Locate ‘Network Applications’ towards the bottom of this page, then click the blue cog associated with ‘Calendar integration’.

  3. Select ‘New User’. This will display a drop down list of any Users in your network.

  4. Select the User who needs access to the Calendar Integration App.

Any Users selected as part of this process will now be able to access the Calendar integration application.

Once you're able to access the Calendar Integration, to begin displaying a calendar’s items on one of the Signagelive calendar widgets, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Link a Google account.

  2. Create a room.

  3. Set up the calendar widget you want to use.

The details can be found in the sections below.

How do I link a Google account to Signagelive?

To utilise your Google calendars in Signagelive, you will need to authorise your Google account.

  1. Locate the application list at the top of the page and select ‘Calendar Integration’

  2. Select ‘Services’ towards the top left of the screen

  3. Select the green ‘Authorise’ button aligned with the Google service

  4. You will now be directed to your Google account where you can provide Signagelive Calendar Integration access to your Google Calendars

Please Note

It is only possible to authenticate a single Google account against a single Signagelive Network.

To promote optimal security, we recommend that you set up accounts specifically for connecting to Signagelive and that these will only have access to the Calendars which are required to be used within Signagelive.

How do I disconnect a Google account linked to Signagelive?

To disconnect a Google account:

  1. Locate the application list at the top of the page and select ‘Calendar Integration

  2. Select ‘Services’ towards the top left of the screen

  3. Select the Red ’Disconnect’ button aligned with the Google service

When disconnecting an account, any rooms which have been created using a calendar linked to the account will be deleted, along with any calendar items synchronised for those rooms.

Any Calendar Apps using an API key for these rooms will also no longer show any calendar items.

How do I create a room?

To create a room with your authenticated calendar account:

  1. Locate the application list at the top of the page and select ‘Calendar Integration

  2. Click ‘New room

  3. Next to ‘Name’, enter a desired room name

  4. Next to ‘Service’, use the drop down menu to select ‘Google’

  5. Next to ‘Calendar’, select the Google Calendar you want to use with Signagelive

  6. Next to ‘Resource’, select the desired resource

  7. Select ‘Save changes

Once you have created the room, Signagelive will synchronise calendar items for the next 90 days for the chosen calendar. Items will continue to be synchronised at a regular interval so that new, cancelled or edited items are synchronised correctly. We remove all items older than today from the Signagelive database.

When the room is saved an api Key is created so you can start using this room with the Signagelive calendar widgets. Copy this now, as we will need it in the next step.

You will be able to view the items synchronised with Signagelive by viewing the details of the room at any time within the Calendar Integration application.

Please Note

You cannot edit, delete or create calendar items within the Signagelive Calendar Integration application.

How do I Set up a Calendar widget?

To display your Google calendars, you can use and configure a Calendar widget, which can then be added as part of a playlist.

  1. Login to Signagelive as an Administrator or a User

  2. From your network, select Content

  3. Select Playlists

  4. Select Create/ Edit

  5. Press Add (blue +)

  6. Select From the Marketplace

  7. Search for Calendar

  8. Select a Calendar widget of your choosing

  9. Click ‘Add to Signagelive’ to add the Calendar app to your Signagelive network

  10. Close the Marketplace

  11. Click on the Recently Added folder

  12. Add the Calendar app to the playlist of your choice

  13. Open the Calendar app properties within the playlist

  14. Set the API key to be the API key for the Room List you want to display

  15. Set the other properties to your liking (See Calendar App Preferencesbelow for more detail)

  16. Save the playlist

If you have already published this playlist to your players then the App will be added the next time the player checks in, otherwise, publish the playlist to your player/s.

Please Note

If you wish to show the Calendar Widget for a long period of time, or it is the only asset in your playlist, we recommend setting the duration to a long period of time. This is because the App refreshes its data in the background and there is no need for the whole App to be reloaded on a regular basis. If you have the duration set to a short time, then you will see a short flash while the App reloads.

When published to your player/s, the App itself calls out to the Signagelive Calendar API and will show the calendar items based on the preferences chosen.

Calendar App Preferences

  • API Key: The API Key which defines the room for which Meetings are shown.

  • Maximum Number of Meetings to Show: The maximum number of meetings which will be shown in the list views of the Apps.

  • Show Only Today’s Meetings: If there are less than the maximum number of meetings happening today, should meetings for following days be shown.

  • Timeline Start Time: If the App has a timeline, what is the earliest time to show a meeting on the timeline for.

  • Timeline End Time: If the App has a timeline, what is the latest time to show a meeting on the timeline for.

  • Timeline Segment Duration: If the App has a timeline, what duration segments should the timeline be split into.

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